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NHS messaging service to send Covid-19 text support


NHS messaging service to send Covid-19 text support

People who contact NHS 111 online to register their coronavirus (Covid-19) symptoms will receive support through daily text messages. 

The NHS messaging service launched on March 28 and is aimed at supporting patients through the period of self-isolation required of anyone showing Covid-19 symptoms.

The text messages will be sent to help reassure patients who contact NHS 111 online, complete the assessment and leave basic information, such as their mobile number and when their symptoms started. The text messages will come from NHS Covid-19, and people who do not want to receive messages will be able to opt out at any time.

Health secretary Matt Hancock, who is self-isolating after being diagnosed with Covid-19, said: “We are doing everything we can to protect the health of the nation during this outbreak, including supporting our fantastic NHS and social care workforce who are looking after people who have symptoms or are self-isolating.

“I know all too well that experiencing symptoms can be worrying, but for those living on their own it will be even more so. Alongside other measures, this new daily text service will reassure our most vulnerable that they are not alone, and also to help them manage their symptoms.

“Technology, combined with our heroic staff on the frontline, have played a huge role in battling this virus and I encourage everyone to use this new service, he added.”

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